Parliament of State of Israel Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowI declare that the prime minister and the member of the Knesset Benjamin Netanyahu has to create the governmentI declare that the prime minister and the member of the Knesset Benjamin Netanyahu has to create the government4/17/2019website of edition "Nezavisimaya gazeta"70% of repatriates from the former USSR, arrived in the last ten years, are not Jews. There is a process of planting of assimilation and loss of the Jewish character of the state7/27/2021business newspaper "Vzglyad"I declare that the prime minister and the member of the Knesset Benjamin Netanyahu has to create the governmentI declare that the prime minister and the member of the Knesset Benjamin Netanyahu has to create the government4/17/2019website of edition "Nezavisimaya gazeta"70% of repatriates from the former USSR, arrived in the last ten years, are not Jews. There is a process of planting of assimilation and loss of the Jewish character of the state7/27/2021business newspaper "Vzglyad"I declare that the prime minister and the member of the Knesset Benjamin Netanyahu has to create the governmentI declare that the prime minister and the member of the Knesset Benjamin Netanyahu has to create the government4/17/2019website of edition "Nezavisimaya gazeta"1232Company-related news+8 last weekSpeakerMikhael LeviMedia Score: LowSpeakerMikhael Levi154Connections+46 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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