Niigata Country: JapanViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreOn the agenda the project on creation of a new high-speed data link Japan – Europe, providing, in particular, laying of an underwater cable from Nakhodka to NiigataOn the agenda the project on creation of a new high-speed data link Japan – Europe, providing, in particular, laying of an underwater cable from Nakhodka to Niigata7/1/2019Vladimir PutinOpened in Busan a PrimaMedia news agency correspondent's office. Let's open point in Niigata (us there well know), in Toyama, the Akita11/19/2021Boris StupnitskyIf Vladivostok is a window to Russia to the Pacific Rim, Niigata, the sworn brother of Vladivostok, is a window of Japan to RussiaIf Vladivostok is a window to Russia to the Pacific Rim, Niigata, the sworn brother of Vladivostok, is a window of Japan to Russia9/27/2019Mikhail GaluzinOn the agenda the project on creation of a new high-speed data link Japan – Europe, providing, in particular, laying of an underwater cable from Nakhodka to NiigataOn the agenda the project on creation of a new high-speed data link Japan – Europe, providing, in particular, laying of an underwater cable from Nakhodka to Niigata7/1/2019Vladimir PutinOpened in Busan a PrimaMedia news agency correspondent's office. Let's open point in Niigata (us there well know), in Toyama, the Akita11/19/2021Boris StupnitskyIf Vladivostok is a window to Russia to the Pacific Rim, Niigata, the sworn brother of Vladivostok, is a window of Japan to RussiaIf Vladivostok is a window to Russia to the Pacific Rim, Niigata, the sworn brother of Vladivostok, is a window of Japan to Russia9/27/2019Mikhail GaluzinOn the agenda the project on creation of a new high-speed data link Japan – Europe, providing, in particular, laying of an underwater cable from Nakhodka to NiigataOn the agenda the project on creation of a new high-speed data link Japan – Europe, providing, in particular, laying of an underwater cable from Nakhodka to Niigata7/1/2019Vladimir Putin1238Region News+4 last weekMayor Niigata since 2018Yaiti Nakakhara0Media ScoreMayor Niigata since 2018Yaiti Nakakhara135years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 18891:54:15 AMGMT+98125Dialing code22Connections+17 last weekPopulation808 189NewsConnections Tree
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