Diyarbakır Country: TurkeyViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowAs a result of act of terrorism in Diyarbakir our eight citizens, from them two police officers were lost. One terrorist was lost also. More than 100 people suffered, 93 from them hospitalization was not requiredAs a result of act of terrorism in Diyarbakir our eight citizens, from them two police officers were lost. One terrorist was lost also. More than 100 people suffered, 93 from them hospitalization was not required11/4/2016Binali YıldırımExplosion in Diyarbakir is an act of terrorism. The underground tunnel where explosive was put is found4/12/2017Suleyman SoyluAs a result of act of terrorism in Diyarbakir our eight citizens, from them two police officers were lost. One terrorist was lost also. More than 100 people suffered, 93 from them hospitalization was not requiredAs a result of act of terrorism in Diyarbakir our eight citizens, from them two police officers were lost. One terrorist was lost also. More than 100 people suffered, 93 from them hospitalization was not required11/4/2016Binali YıldırımExplosion in Diyarbakir is an act of terrorism. The underground tunnel where explosive was put is found4/12/2017Suleyman SoyluAs a result of act of terrorism in Diyarbakir our eight citizens, from them two police officers were lost. One terrorist was lost also. More than 100 people suffered, 93 from them hospitalization was not requiredAs a result of act of terrorism in Diyarbakir our eight citizens, from them two police officers were lost. One terrorist was lost also. More than 100 people suffered, 93 from them hospitalization was not required11/4/2016Binali Yıldırım124Region News+1 last weekMedia Score: Low90412Dialing code109Connections+7 last weekPopulation930 266NewsConnections Tree
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Trending TechnologiesMost discussed today14Cross-cutting technologiesRating: 5Mention frequency5ConnectionsOrganizations65Places41Technologies29People25Events15Laws1
PoliticsДелегация прокурдской DEM посетила в тюрьме экс-главу ДПН Фиген ЮксекдагMK Turkey1/13/2025PeopleGeographyCompanies1.4 minPoliticsЭрдоган заявил об «окне возможностей» для борьбы с терроризмом в ТурцииGazeta.Ru1/11/2025CompaniesGeographyPeopleMedia52 secAccidentsАвария со школьным автобусом в центральной части Турции1/2/2025GeographyCompaniesMedia31 secOtherТурецкие археологи обнаружили древнеримское поселение при раскопках древнего замкаMK Turkey12/24/2024CompaniesGeographyPeople1.4 minTravelПаром Сочи – Трабзон: как купить билет, какие документы нужныPartner Russian Railway12/3/2024PeopleGeographyProducts3.8 minTravelПаром из Сочи в Трабзон. Сколько будет стоить новогодняя поездка в Турцию на машинеNoviye Izvestia11/26/2024CompaniesGeographyPeopleMediaProducts5.4 min