Shenyang Country: ChinaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe first festival "It Is Made in Russia" will take place in the Province of Liaoning, the cities of Shenyang and Dalian, on the eve of the Chinese New year — from January 27 to February 4 the next yearThe first festival "It Is Made in Russia" will take place in the Province of Liaoning, the cities of Shenyang and Dalian, on the eve of the Chinese New year — from January 27 to February 4 the next year12/18/2023Dmitry ChernyshenkoThe first festival "It Is Made in Russia" will take place in the Province of Liaoning, the cities of Shenyang and Dalian, on the eve of the Chinese new year — from January 27 to February 4 the next year12/19/2023Dmitry ChernyshenkoThe first festival "It Is Made in Russia" will take place in the Province of Liaoning, the cities of Shenyang and Dalian, on the eve of the Chinese New year — from January 27 to February 4 the next yearThe first festival "It Is Made in Russia" will take place in the Province of Liaoning, the cities of Shenyang and Dalian, on the eve of the Chinese New year — from January 27 to February 4 the next year12/18/2023Dmitry ChernyshenkoThe first festival "It Is Made in Russia" will take place in the Province of Liaoning, the cities of Shenyang and Dalian, on the eve of the Chinese new year — from January 27 to February 4 the next year12/19/2023Dmitry ChernyshenkoThe first festival "It Is Made in Russia" will take place in the Province of Liaoning, the cities of Shenyang and Dalian, on the eve of the Chinese New year — from January 27 to February 4 the next yearThe first festival "It Is Made in Russia" will take place in the Province of Liaoning, the cities of Shenyang and Dalian, on the eve of the Chinese New year — from January 27 to February 4 the next year12/18/2023Dmitry Chernyshenko12138Region News+16 last weekMedia Score: Low6:32:56 PMGMT+88624Dialing code238Connections+44 last weekPopulation7 760 000NewsConnections Tree
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AccidentsБолее 30 человек пропали без вести во время оползня в Китае360 ° Moscow area2/8/2025PeopleMediaGeography29 secCentral Federal DistrictСобянин: Московские ярмарки круглогодичного формата не имеют аналогов в миреEvening Moscow2/6/2025PeopleMediaCompaniesGeography43 secSocial policyВ Китае кассовые сборы во время каникул по случаю праздника Весны 2025 года достигли нового максимумаRUSSIAN.NEWS.CN (Xinhua news agency)2/5/2025MediaGeography37 secInternationalПриангарье в пятерке регионов-лидеров России по объему торговли с Китаем2/4/2025GeographyPeopleCompaniesMedia1.8 minSocial policyКак три работающих в Китае русскоговорящих офтальмолога отмечают традиционный китайский Новый годRUSSIAN.NEWS.CN (Xinhua news agency)1/30/2025CompaniesMediaPeopleGeography5.1 minIndustryУ нас товар, у них купец: как и какие дальневосточные товары продвигают в Китае1/30/2025CompaniesProductsMediaGeographyPeople7.6 min
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