Tianjin Country: ChinaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn the past I very much liked to play in China, and I achieved there success. So now I look forward to tournament in Tianjin. It is the city new to me. And I will for the first time play at these competitionsIn the past I very much liked to play in China, and I achieved there success. So now I look forward to tournament in Tianjin. It is the city new to me. And I will for the first time play at these competitions8/16/2018Victoria AzarenkoLooked forward to return to Tianjin to protect the title, but, unfortunately, I need time to be restored after a trauma9/18/2018Maria SharapovaThere was a wish to protect a title of the winner of tournament in Tianjin, but I need time for restoration after a traumaThere was a wish to protect a title of the winner of tournament in Tianjin, but I need time for restoration after a trauma9/18/2018Maria SharapovaIn the past I very much liked to play in China, and I achieved there success. So now I look forward to tournament in Tianjin. It is the city new to me. And I will for the first time play at these competitionsIn the past I very much liked to play in China, and I achieved there success. So now I look forward to tournament in Tianjin. It is the city new to me. And I will for the first time play at these competitions8/16/2018Victoria AzarenkoLooked forward to return to Tianjin to protect the title, but, unfortunately, I need time to be restored after a trauma9/18/2018Maria SharapovaThere was a wish to protect a title of the winner of tournament in Tianjin, but I need time for restoration after a traumaThere was a wish to protect a title of the winner of tournament in Tianjin, but I need time for restoration after a trauma9/18/2018Maria SharapovaIn the past I very much liked to play in China, and I achieved there success. So now I look forward to tournament in Tianjin. It is the city new to me. And I will for the first time play at these competitionsIn the past I very much liked to play in China, and I achieved there success. So now I look forward to tournament in Tianjin. It is the city new to me. And I will for the first time play at these competitions8/16/2018Victoria Azarenko123123Region News+33 last weekHead of Communist Party committee of the CPC of the Province of Hubei since 2010Khunchzhun Li0Media ScoreHead of Communist Party committee of the CPC of the Province of Hubei since 2010Khunchzhun Li620years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 14049:13:36 AMGMT+88622Dialing code282Connections+105 last weekPopulation14 425 000NewsConnections Tree
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