Naryn Country: KyrgyzstanViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreExplosive works on the opposite side of the road will allow to change the bed of the Naryn River and to provide safe transition to the following stage of building of objects of infrastructureExplosive works on the opposite side of the road will allow to change the bed of the Naryn River and to provide safe transition to the following stage of building of objects of infrastructure11/15/2023Bakyt TorobaevExplosive works on the opposite side of the road will allow to change the bed of the Naryn River and to provide safe transition to the following stage of building of objects of infrastructure11/16/2023Bakyt TorobaevExplosive works on the opposite side of the road will allow to change the bed of the Naryn River and to provide safe transition to the following stage of building of objects of infrastructureExplosive works on the opposite side of the road will allow to change the bed of the Naryn River and to provide safe transition to the following stage of building of objects of infrastructure11/15/2023Bakyt TorobaevExplosive works on the opposite side of the road will allow to change the bed of the Naryn River and to provide safe transition to the following stage of building of objects of infrastructure11/16/2023Bakyt TorobaevExplosive works on the opposite side of the road will allow to change the bed of the Naryn River and to provide safe transition to the following stage of building of objects of infrastructureExplosive works on the opposite side of the road will allow to change the bed of the Naryn River and to provide safe transition to the following stage of building of objects of infrastructure11/15/2023Bakyt Torobaev1255Region News+21 last week0Media Score97years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19277:33:53 AMGMT+6996 3522Dialing code150Connections+63 last weekPopulation34 822NewsConnections Tree
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