Arbil Country: IraqViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe know that from Erbil such offer is, we count, as Baghdad to show readiness for dialogueWe know that from Erbil such offer is, we count, as Baghdad to show readiness for dialogue12/18/2017Zigmar GabrielWe most decisively condemn today's attack in Erbila in whom at least one Turkish diplomat was killed7/17/2019Michael Richard PompeoI condemn armed attack on employees of the Turkish diplomatic mission in Erbile. We promote Iraq and local to the authorities in the fastest capture guiltyI condemn armed attack on employees of the Turkish diplomatic mission in Erbile. We promote Iraq and local to the authorities in the fastest capture guilty7/17/2019Recep ErdoganWe know that from Erbil such offer is, we count, as Baghdad to show readiness for dialogueWe know that from Erbil such offer is, we count, as Baghdad to show readiness for dialogue12/18/2017Zigmar GabrielWe most decisively condemn today's attack in Erbila in whom at least one Turkish diplomat was killed7/17/2019Michael Richard PompeoI condemn armed attack on employees of the Turkish diplomatic mission in Erbile. We promote Iraq and local to the authorities in the fastest capture guiltyI condemn armed attack on employees of the Turkish diplomatic mission in Erbile. We promote Iraq and local to the authorities in the fastest capture guilty7/17/2019Recep ErdoganWe know that from Erbil such offer is, we count, as Baghdad to show readiness for dialogueWe know that from Erbil such offer is, we count, as Baghdad to show readiness for dialogue12/18/2017Zigmar Gabriel1232Region News+0 last weekMedia Score: Low9:53:39 PMGMT+3964 66Dialing code5Connections+0 last weekPopulation1 293 839NewsConnections Tree
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