Dmanisi Country: GeorgiaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreToday in Dmanisi the office of our party had quite heavy incident, provocation. As far as I know, opened fire, people are wounded. In such cases the most strict reaction is necessary from militiamenToday in Dmanisi the office of our party had quite heavy incident, provocation. As far as I know, opened fire, people are wounded. In such cases the most strict reaction is necessary from militiamen10/21/2020Irakly KobakhidzeIn Dmanisi the office of our party had a heavy provocation to which we got used … as far as I know, there was a shot, and there are wounded... At such moment the most strict reaction is necessary from militiamen10/21/2020Irakly KobakhidzeToday in Dmanisi the office of our party had quite heavy incident, provocation. As far as I know, opened fire, people are wounded. In such cases the most strict reaction is necessary from militiamenToday in Dmanisi the office of our party had quite heavy incident, provocation. As far as I know, opened fire, people are wounded. In such cases the most strict reaction is necessary from militiamen10/21/2020Irakly KobakhidzeIn Dmanisi the office of our party had a heavy provocation to which we got used … as far as I know, there was a shot, and there are wounded... At such moment the most strict reaction is necessary from militiamen10/21/2020Irakly KobakhidzeToday in Dmanisi the office of our party had quite heavy incident, provocation. As far as I know, opened fire, people are wounded. In such cases the most strict reaction is necessary from militiamenToday in Dmanisi the office of our party had quite heavy incident, provocation. As far as I know, opened fire, people are wounded. In such cases the most strict reaction is necessary from militiamen10/21/2020Irakly Kobakhidze127Region News+1 last week0Media Score43years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19816:55:38 AMGMT+4995360Dialing code11Connections+2 last weekPopulation3 800NewsConnections Tree
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