Ho Chi Minh Country: VietnamViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreEvery year our cities become closer to each other, economic relations extend. After removal of restrictive measures we plan to open the cultural business center of Ho Chi Minh in PetersburgEvery year our cities become closer to each other, economic relations extend. After removal of restrictive measures we plan to open the cultural business center of Ho Chi Minh in Petersburg5/19/2021Alexander BeglovThere were many sceptics when we arrived both to Ho Chi Minh, and to Hanoi. Hardly represented as it is possible to make the decision on such large-scale investments for eight thousand kilometers. But, seemingly, everything goes according to the plan10/14/2023Andrey VorobyevEvery year our cities become closer to each other, economic relations extend. After removal of restrictive measures we plan to open the cultural business center of Ho Chi Minh in PetersburgEvery year our cities become closer to each other, economic relations extend. After removal of restrictive measures we plan to open the cultural business center of Ho Chi Minh in Petersburg5/19/2021Alexander BeglovThere were many sceptics when we arrived both to Ho Chi Minh, and to Hanoi. Hardly represented as it is possible to make the decision on such large-scale investments for eight thousand kilometers. But, seemingly, everything goes according to the plan10/14/2023Andrey VorobyevEvery year our cities become closer to each other, economic relations extend. After removal of restrictive measures we plan to open the cultural business center of Ho Chi Minh in PetersburgEvery year our cities become closer to each other, economic relations extend. After removal of restrictive measures we plan to open the cultural business center of Ho Chi Minh in Petersburg5/19/2021Alexander Beglov1280Region News+21 last weekChairman of National council of the city of Ho Chi Minh since 2019Nguen Tkhe Kuit Tam0Media ScoreChairman of National council of the city of Ho Chi Minh since 2019Nguen Tkhe Kuit Tam6:21:25 PMGMT+784 8Dialing code270Connections+50 last weekPopulation8 224 400NewsConnections Tree
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