Da Nang Country: VietnamViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe meeting of leaders of Russia and the USA in Da Nang became record on brevity. Trump was not ready to negotiations - he is bound hand and footThe meeting of leaders of Russia and the USA in Da Nang became record on brevity. Trump was not ready to negotiations - he is bound hand and foot11/10/2017Aleksey PushkovShootings in Da Nang exhaust most cruelly. Like anything supernatural we do not do (driving on a buffalo and training in martial arts — a commonplace), but we come back according to numbers absolutely empty12/13/2022Anastasia IvleevaThis question still was not discussed at all. Now there were contacts numerous in Da Nang while I did not hear about others evenThis question still was not discussed at all. Now there were contacts numerous in Da Nang while I did not hear about others even11/13/2017Youri UshakovThe meeting of leaders of Russia and the USA in Da Nang became record on brevity. Trump was not ready to negotiations - he is bound hand and footThe meeting of leaders of Russia and the USA in Da Nang became record on brevity. Trump was not ready to negotiations - he is bound hand and foot11/10/2017Aleksey PushkovShootings in Da Nang exhaust most cruelly. Like anything supernatural we do not do (driving on a buffalo and training in martial arts — a commonplace), but we come back according to numbers absolutely empty12/13/2022Anastasia IvleevaThis question still was not discussed at all. Now there were contacts numerous in Da Nang while I did not hear about others evenThis question still was not discussed at all. Now there were contacts numerous in Da Nang while I did not hear about others even11/13/2017Youri UshakovThe meeting of leaders of Russia and the USA in Da Nang became record on brevity. Trump was not ready to negotiations - he is bound hand and footThe meeting of leaders of Russia and the USA in Da Nang became record on brevity. Trump was not ready to negotiations - he is bound hand and foot11/10/2017Aleksey Pushkov12324Region News+17 last week0Media Score9:41:41 AMGMT+784 511Dialing code117Connections+48 last weekPopulation1 046 846NewsConnections Tree
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Central Federal DistrictВ Ярославле открыли мемориальную доску ученому-хирургу Юрию Новикову11/7/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.8 minHealthБольница Дананга внедрила систему медицинских киосков11/7/2024GeographyProducts31 secSocial policyДля детей сотрудников, погибших при исполнении своего служебного долга, организован отдых во ВьетнамеMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia10/30/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography42 secPoliticsОАЭ поддержат развитие финансовых центров во Вьетнаме10/30/2024PeopleGeographyCompanies45 secSocial policyДля детей сотрудников, погибших при исполнении своего служебного долга, организован отдых во Вьетнаме10/30/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography43 secSocial policyСтали известны самые продолжительные путешествия россиян в бархатный сезонdaily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya"10/16/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts1.2 min
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