Avignon Country: FranceViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowFrance, thanks for the state award first in life. As madam the ambassador, for "For the first time in Russian" in Moscow Art Theatre, for tours in France in the 2014th, for "Platform", for Avignon three times, for LETO] told in the speecFrance, thanks for the state award first in life. As madam the ambassador, for "For the first time in Russian" in Moscow Art Theatre, for tours in France in the 2014th, for "Platform", for Avignon three times, for LETO] told in the speec10/16/2019Kirill SerebrennikovI never left Moscow that for nonsense such. I always am to and fro wound. Now I will depart to Avignon, and from Avignon to Tbilisi, then I will go to Finland, and then again I will return. I do not know who to you thinks out nonsense7/9/2022Julia AugFrance, thanks for the state award first in life. As madam the ambassador, for "For the first time in Russian" in Moscow Art Theatre, for tours in France in the 2014th, for "Platform", for Avignon three times, for LETO] told in the speecFrance, thanks for the state award first in life. As madam the ambassador, for "For the first time in Russian" in Moscow Art Theatre, for tours in France in the 2014th, for "Platform", for Avignon three times, for LETO] told in the speec10/16/2019Kirill SerebrennikovI never left Moscow that for nonsense such. I always am to and fro wound. Now I will depart to Avignon, and from Avignon to Tbilisi, then I will go to Finland, and then again I will return. I do not know who to you thinks out nonsense7/9/2022Julia AugFrance, thanks for the state award first in life. As madam the ambassador, for "For the first time in Russian" in Moscow Art Theatre, for tours in France in the 2014th, for "Platform", for Avignon three times, for LETO] told in the speecFrance, thanks for the state award first in life. As madam the ambassador, for "For the first time in Russian" in Moscow Art Theatre, for tours in France in the 2014th, for "Platform", for Avignon three times, for LETO] told in the speec10/16/2019Kirill Serebrennikov124Region News+3 last weekMedia Score: Low334Dialing code33Connections+5 last weekPopulation89 380NewsConnections Tree
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