Vantaa Country: FinlandViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWith a high probability the meeting will take place in Vantaa. If it passes in Vantaa, in the world will say all the same that it passed in HelsinkiWith a high probability the meeting will take place in Vantaa. If it passes in Vantaa, in the world will say all the same that it passed in Helsinki6/29/2018Ian Pellervo VapaavuoriAbout any change of the place it is not necessary to speak, to Vantaa to carry out and it was not planned initially7/4/2018Dmitry PeskovWith a high probability the meeting will take place in Vantaa. If it passes in Vantaa, in the world will say all the same that it passed in HelsinkiWith a high probability the meeting will take place in Vantaa. If it passes in Vantaa, in the world will say all the same that it passed in Helsinki6/29/2018Ian Pellervo VapaavuoriAbout any change of the place it is not necessary to speak, to Vantaa to carry out and it was not planned initially7/4/2018Dmitry PeskovWith a high probability the meeting will take place in Vantaa. If it passes in Vantaa, in the world will say all the same that it passed in HelsinkiWith a high probability the meeting will take place in Vantaa. If it passes in Vantaa, in the world will say all the same that it passed in Helsinki6/29/2018Ian Pellervo Vapaavuori1211Region News+8 last weekMedia Score: Low673years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 135125Connections+19 last weekPopulation200 410NewsConnections Tree
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