Halle Country: GermanyViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe recognize that it worked, being guided by anti-Semitic, right extremist motives and aimed at the Jewish community in a synagogue in HalleWe recognize that it worked, being guided by anti-Semitic, right extremist motives and aimed at the Jewish community in a synagogue in Halle10/10/2019Christina LambrekhtI, as well as million inhabitants of Germany, am shocked and I stay in blank despair from the crime committed in Halle10/13/2019Angela MerkelWe recognize that it worked, being guided by anti-Semitic, right extremist motives and aimed at the Jewish community in a synagogue in HalleWe recognize that it worked, being guided by anti-Semitic, right extremist motives and aimed at the Jewish community in a synagogue in Halle10/10/2019Christina LambrekhtI, as well as million inhabitants of Germany, am shocked and I stay in blank despair from the crime committed in Halle10/13/2019Angela MerkelWe recognize that it worked, being guided by anti-Semitic, right extremist motives and aimed at the Jewish community in a synagogue in HalleWe recognize that it worked, being guided by anti-Semitic, right extremist motives and aimed at the Jewish community in a synagogue in Halle10/10/2019Christina Lambrekht129Region News+0 last weekMayor Gallet, Germany since 2012Bernd VigandMedia Score: LowMayor Gallet, Germany since 2012Bernd Vigand4:56:22 AMGMT+149 345Dialing code138Connections+0 last weekPopulation232 963NewsConnections Tree
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