Polotsk Country: BelarusViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn the next years we plan to open at least two football fields in Vitebsk, on one - in Orsha and PolotskIn the next years we plan to open at least two football fields in Vitebsk, on one - in Orsha and Polotsk9/27/2020Youri VergeychikSuch task is set for all regions "80 plus". And Polotsk successfully copes with it. Nevertheless a lot of work regarding building of investments into social and production infrastructure] is necessary to the are10/28/2022Alexander ChervyakovIn the next years we plan to open at least two football fields in Vitebsk, on one - in Orsha and PolotskIn the next years we plan to open at least two football fields in Vitebsk, on one - in Orsha and Polotsk9/27/2020Youri VergeychikSuch task is set for all regions "80 plus". And Polotsk successfully copes with it. Nevertheless a lot of work regarding building of investments into social and production infrastructure] is necessary to the are10/28/2022Alexander ChervyakovIn the next years we plan to open at least two football fields in Vitebsk, on one - in Orsha and PolotskIn the next years we plan to open at least two football fields in Vitebsk, on one - in Orsha and Polotsk9/27/2020Youri Vergeychik12149Region News+34 last weekChairman since 2013Nicholas Nikolaevich Shevchuk0Media ScoreChairman since 2013Nicholas Nikolaevich Shevchuk1162years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 86211:56:17 AMGMT+3+375 214Dialing code306Connections+151 last weekPopulation85 078NewsConnections Tree
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