Bobruisk Country: BelarusViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThanks to support of the chairman of regional executive committee Anatoly Isachenko we started three big regional programs - in Mogilyov, Bobruisk and the Mogilyov area - on replacement of windows in all establishments of educationThanks to support of the chairman of regional executive committee Anatoly Isachenko we started three big regional programs - in Mogilyov, Bobruisk and the Mogilyov area - on replacement of windows in all establishments of education8/24/2023Valery MalashkoIshim for the first time holds competitions in an intellectual sport at such level – by video conference with ishimets chess players from the Belarusian twin-city of Bobruisk] playe11/14/2023Fedor Borisovich ShishkinThanks to support of the chairman of regional executive committee Anatoly Isachenko we started three big regional programs - in Mogilyov, Bobruisk and the Mogilyov area - on replacement of windows in all establishments of educationThanks to support of the chairman of regional executive committee Anatoly Isachenko we started three big regional programs - in Mogilyov, Bobruisk and the Mogilyov area - on replacement of windows in all establishments of education8/24/2023Valery MalashkoIshim for the first time holds competitions in an intellectual sport at such level – by video conference with ishimets chess players from the Belarusian twin-city of Bobruisk] playe11/14/2023Fedor Borisovich ShishkinThanks to support of the chairman of regional executive committee Anatoly Isachenko we started three big regional programs - in Mogilyov, Bobruisk and the Mogilyov area - on replacement of windows in all establishments of educationThanks to support of the chairman of regional executive committee Anatoly Isachenko we started three big regional programs - in Mogilyov, Bobruisk and the Mogilyov area - on replacement of windows in all establishments of education8/24/2023Valery Malashko12350Region News+82 last weekChairman since 2017Alexander StudnevMedia Score: LowChairman since 2017Alexander Studnev637years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 13872:20:12 PMGMT+3+375 225Dialing code420Connections+187 last weekPopulation217 940NewsConnections Tree
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