Sverdlovsk Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreToday opened three more local offices of United Russia party in Alchevsk, the Red Beam and Sverdlovsk. 18 local offices are already created. We gather very strong team which will be able to work together for the benefit of areas, the republics and the countriesToday opened three more local offices of United Russia party in Alchevsk, the Red Beam and Sverdlovsk. 18 local offices are already created. We gather very strong team which will be able to work together for the benefit of areas, the republics and the countries6/8/2023Denise Nikolaevich MiroshnichenkoWe surely plan military operations on a capture of such cities, as Sverdlovsk, Naked Pier and Skadovsk10/1/2023Vladimir Aleksandrovich ZelenskyToday opened three more local offices of United Russia party in Alchevsk, the Red Beam and Sverdlovsk. 18 local offices are already created. We gather very strong team which will be able to work together for the benefit of areas, the republics and the countriesToday opened three more local offices of United Russia party in Alchevsk, the Red Beam and Sverdlovsk. 18 local offices are already created. We gather very strong team which will be able to work together for the benefit of areas, the republics and the countries6/8/2023Denise Nikolaevich MiroshnichenkoWe surely plan military operations on a capture of such cities, as Sverdlovsk, Naked Pier and Skadovsk10/1/2023Vladimir Aleksandrovich ZelenskyToday opened three more local offices of United Russia party in Alchevsk, the Red Beam and Sverdlovsk. 18 local offices are already created. We gather very strong team which will be able to work together for the benefit of areas, the republics and the countriesToday opened three more local offices of United Russia party in Alchevsk, the Red Beam and Sverdlovsk. 18 local offices are already created. We gather very strong team which will be able to work together for the benefit of areas, the republics and the countries6/8/2023Denise Nikolaevich Miroshnichenko1291Region News+32 last weekHead of administration since 2015Andrey Sukhachyov0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2015Andrey Sukhachyov380 6434Dialing code313Connections+172 last weekPopulation63 358NewsConnections Tree
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EducationПрофориентационный урок в рамках республиканского Дня профориентации «Сделай свой выбор» в городе Свердловске и Свердловском районеYesterday at 4:39 PMCompaniesGeography45 secOtherВ Волгограде вручили паспорт гражданина РФ участнику СВО из ГерманииMK.RU VolgogradYesterday at 1:24 PMPeopleCompaniesGeography49 secOtherФСБ рассекретила дела предателей Родины, затаившихся под Свердловском после войныRussian information agency "Ura.Ru"Yesterday at 9:00 AMPeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia4.1 minCentral Federal DistrictВ Орловской области скоро откроется сезон охоты на птицOryol news3/12/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography41 secLawРаботодателям города Свердловска разъяснили законодательство в сфере занятости населения3/12/2025CompaniesGeography40 secOtherПодведение итогов республиканского фотоконкурса «Рабочие будни моих родителей» г. Свердловск3/11/2025Geography44 sec
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OtherСбер рассказал, как и где получить СберКарту ветерана боевых действий в ЛНР3/10/2025PeopleGeography1.2 minSecurityМЧС России: пожарно-технической экспертизе 80 лет3/10/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography2.3 minSiberian Federal DistrictГлава региона Михаил Котюков с рабочим визитом посетил ДонбассState TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Krasnoyarsk"3/7/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography1.2 minOtherГубернатор Красноярского края навестил в ЛНР партизана времен Великой Отечественной войны3/7/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography1.1 minHousing and Utility SectorЛугансквода предупредила о сбоях при подаче воды в городах и районах ЛНР 7 марта3/7/2025PeopleGeographyProducts1 minSiberian Federal DistrictКонкурс чтецов объединил студентов Хакасии и ЛНРPravitelsto of the Republic of Khakassia3/7/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography2.2 min