Sovetsky rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIt was reported that explosive devices were put at one movie theater and 13 entertainment complexes in Kirovski, the October and Soviet regions of Ufa. It was evacuated 6,1 thousand peopleIt was reported that explosive devices were put at one movie theater and 13 entertainment complexes in Kirovski, the October and Soviet regions of Ufa. It was evacuated 6,1 thousand people11/7/2017Irek YalalovWe see, in what state at us are Richard Sorge, Karl Marx in Sovetsky district, Ibragimov Boulevard. We drew organizational conclusions: the chief of the Soviet MBU] is dismisse11/23/2021Sergei Nikolaevich GrekovIt was reported that explosive devices were put at one movie theater and 13 entertainment complexes in Kirovski, the October and Soviet regions of Ufa. It was evacuated 6,1 thousand peopleIt was reported that explosive devices were put at one movie theater and 13 entertainment complexes in Kirovski, the October and Soviet regions of Ufa. It was evacuated 6,1 thousand people11/7/2017Irek YalalovWe see, in what state at us are Richard Sorge, Karl Marx in Sovetsky district, Ibragimov Boulevard. We drew organizational conclusions: the chief of the Soviet MBU] is dismisse11/23/2021Sergei Nikolaevich GrekovIt was reported that explosive devices were put at one movie theater and 13 entertainment complexes in Kirovski, the October and Soviet regions of Ufa. It was evacuated 6,1 thousand peopleIt was reported that explosive devices were put at one movie theater and 13 entertainment complexes in Kirovski, the October and Soviet regions of Ufa. It was evacuated 6,1 thousand people11/7/2017Irek Yalalov1240Region News+14 last weekMedia Score: Low7:31:21 PMGMT+52RUS7347Dialing code51Connections+25 last weekPopulation177 719NewsConnections Tree
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AccidentsРебенку проломило челюсть качелями в уфимском парке ЛесоводовGOROBZOR.RU (Ufa)11/12/2024CompaniesGeography36 secVolga Federal DistrictВ зону СВО из Уфы после отпуска проводили группу военнослужащихMK.RU Ufa11/10/2024PeopleGeography18 secVolga Federal DistrictУфимскую полицию возглавил Ильгиз БайсуринMK.RU Ufa11/9/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography27 secVolga Federal DistrictВ Уфе завершается строительство снегоплавильного пунктаFM satellite11/8/2024PeopleGeography1.4 minVolga Federal DistrictЖительница Уфы отметила 95-летиеBashinform11/8/2024PeopleGeographyMediaProducts19 secHousing and Utility SectorЖителям Уфы рассказали, куда обращаться по поводу уборки снегаFM satellite11/6/2024CompaniesGeography44 sec