Oktyabrsky rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIt was reported that explosive devices were put at one movie theater and 13 entertainment complexes in Kirovski, the October and Soviet regions of Ufa. It was evacuated 6,1 thousand peopleIt was reported that explosive devices were put at one movie theater and 13 entertainment complexes in Kirovski, the October and Soviet regions of Ufa. It was evacuated 6,1 thousand people11/7/2017Irek YalalovWe amicably create for Oktyabrsky district of Ufa, for the capital, for the region and we will continue it to do such beautiful corners. And probably in the city there will be not one such Avenue of a family9/23/2023Sergei Nikolaevich PlotnikovTime I do not work with the head of Oktyabrsky district, give an assignment. In government agencies he has nothing to doTime I do not work with the head of Oktyabrsky district, give an assignment. In government agencies he has nothing to do7/2/2019Rady KhabirovIt was reported that explosive devices were put at one movie theater and 13 entertainment complexes in Kirovski, the October and Soviet regions of Ufa. It was evacuated 6,1 thousand peopleIt was reported that explosive devices were put at one movie theater and 13 entertainment complexes in Kirovski, the October and Soviet regions of Ufa. It was evacuated 6,1 thousand people11/7/2017Irek YalalovWe amicably create for Oktyabrsky district of Ufa, for the capital, for the region and we will continue it to do such beautiful corners. And probably in the city there will be not one such Avenue of a family9/23/2023Sergei Nikolaevich PlotnikovTime I do not work with the head of Oktyabrsky district, give an assignment. In government agencies he has nothing to doTime I do not work with the head of Oktyabrsky district, give an assignment. In government agencies he has nothing to do7/2/2019Rady KhabirovIt was reported that explosive devices were put at one movie theater and 13 entertainment complexes in Kirovski, the October and Soviet regions of Ufa. It was evacuated 6,1 thousand peopleIt was reported that explosive devices were put at one movie theater and 13 entertainment complexes in Kirovski, the October and Soviet regions of Ufa. It was evacuated 6,1 thousand people11/7/2017Irek Yalalov12351Region News+15 last weekHead since 2016Robert Akhunov0Media ScoreHead since 2016Robert Akhunov3:43:17 PMGMT+52RUS72Connections+21 last weekPopulation243 204NewsConnections Tree
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Housing and Utility SectorВ Уфе жители нескольких улиц остались без горячей водыGOROBZOR.RU (Ufa)11/20/2024PeopleGeography15 secVolga Federal DistrictВ Башкирии восстановлено движение на улице, где случилось ДТПBashinform11/20/2024Geography12 secAccidentsПоявились подробности массового ДТП в уфимском НагаевоGOROBZOR.RU (Ufa)11/20/2024Geography20 secVolga Federal DistrictВ Башкирии снизилось число жалоб на уборку снегаBashinform11/18/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia50 secSocial policyФЖС Башкирии получил землю под проектирование в районе «Зеленого берега»Business news of Ufa11/18/2024PeopleGeography17 secReal estateФЖС Башкирии получил 13 га в зеленой зоне Уфы под проектирование кварталаRBC Bashkortostan11/17/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts1.6 min