Leninsky rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowDuring water supply shutdown the situation is on control of services of life support of the city and Lenin raiona Ufa, all necessary measures for skoreishy restoration of water supply] are undertakeDuring water supply shutdown the situation is on control of services of life support of the city and Lenin raiona Ufa, all necessary measures for skoreishy restoration of water supply] are undertake1/1/2022Oleg Aleksandrovich KotovWe build the largest objects of infrastructure of Ufa in the residential district Zaton-Vostochny in Leninsky district. It is the territory of so-called Zabelya – the main direction of housing construction in the capital on the near-term outlook7/18/2023Rady KhabirovDuring water supply shutdown the situation is on control of services of life support of the city and Lenin raiona Ufa, all necessary measures for skoreishy restoration of water supply] are undertakeDuring water supply shutdown the situation is on control of services of life support of the city and Lenin raiona Ufa, all necessary measures for skoreishy restoration of water supply] are undertake1/1/2022Oleg Aleksandrovich KotovWe build the largest objects of infrastructure of Ufa in the residential district Zaton-Vostochny in Leninsky district. It is the territory of so-called Zabelya – the main direction of housing construction in the capital on the near-term outlook7/18/2023Rady KhabirovDuring water supply shutdown the situation is on control of services of life support of the city and Lenin raiona Ufa, all necessary measures for skoreishy restoration of water supply] are undertakeDuring water supply shutdown the situation is on control of services of life support of the city and Lenin raiona Ufa, all necessary measures for skoreishy restoration of water supply] are undertake1/1/2022Oleg Aleksandrovich Kotov1263Region News+17 last weekMedia Score: Low10:12:19 PMGMT+52RUS7347Dialing code67Connections+36 last weekPopulation85 974NewsConnections Tree
Social policyВ Уфе заработали ёлочные базарыRepublic of Bashkortostan newspaper12/16/2024PeopleGeographyMedia23 secEntertainmentВ Башкирии начали открывать новогодние городкиFM satellite12/20/2024Geography55 secHousing and Utility SectorВ Башкортостане определили лучший индивидуальный жилой домRepublic of Bashkortostan12/20/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.8 minSocial policyВ Уфе завершили проверку ледового городка в Ленинском районе12/19/2024PeopleGeographyMediaProducts38 secVolga Federal DistrictВ поселке Уфы наружное освещение появилось после 10 лет обращенийBashinform12/19/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography35 secVolga Federal DistrictВ Уфе студентка расчищает город от снега за рулём трактораBashinform12/19/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts33 sec
Ural Federal DistrictВставай на коньки, столица!Republic of Bashkortostan newspaper12/18/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography58 secAccidentsДевятиэтажки в Уфе остались без водыBashinform12/18/2024PeopleGeography23 secVolga Federal DistrictИз Уфы в зону СВО отправили машину полезных вещей и посылокBashinform12/16/2024Geography24 secVolga Federal DistrictИз Уфы в зону СВО отправился гумконвойFM satellite12/16/2024Geography16 secVolga Federal DistrictВ Уфе начались продажи новогодних ёлокBashinform12/16/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts43 secHousing and Utility SectorУфимцев предупредили о плановых отключениях водыBashinform12/16/2024PeopleGeography19 sec
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Central Federal DistrictВ Уфе открылись елочные базары: опубликованы адреса12/15/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia31 secSocial policyВ центре Уфы демонтируют торговый киоск на остановкеMK.RU Ufa12/14/2024PeopleGeography14 secVolga Federal DistrictУфимцы помогли расчистить тротуары в микрорайоне Кооперативная поляна12/13/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography47 secFitnessДевочка из Уфы, обратившаяся к Радию Хабирову на Прямой линии, получила подаркиFM satellite12/13/2024PeopleGeography26 secSocial policyВ Уфе 14 и 15 декабря состоятся сельскохозяйственные ярмаркиRepublic of Bashkortostan newspaper12/13/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography22 secSocial policyГде в Уфе покататься на коньках: список с адресамиGOROBZOR.RU (Ufa)12/12/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia3.5 min