Privokzalny rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreNow development of projects on other bridges which are also planned comes to an end: through the river the Funnel on Orlovskoye Highway, the bridge in the area Near the station and Small Potters through tracks. This year we finish designNow development of projects on other bridges which are also planned comes to an end: through the river the Funnel on Orlovskoye Highway, the bridge in the area Near the station and Small Potters through tracks. This year we finish design4/17/2023Ilya Ilyich BespalovThe area near the station would freeze. JSC Nazarovskoye for the money delivered a boiler room to you. The area near the station is heated by us, for free of charge11/10/2023Valery IsaevNow development of projects on other bridges which are also planned comes to an end: through the river the Funnel on Orlovskoye Highway, the bridge in the area Near the station and Small Potters through tracks. This year we finish designNow development of projects on other bridges which are also planned comes to an end: through the river the Funnel on Orlovskoye Highway, the bridge in the area Near the station and Small Potters through tracks. This year we finish design4/17/2023Ilya Ilyich BespalovThe area near the station would freeze. JSC Nazarovskoye for the money delivered a boiler room to you. The area near the station is heated by us, for free of charge11/10/2023Valery IsaevNow development of projects on other bridges which are also planned comes to an end: through the river the Funnel on Orlovskoye Highway, the bridge in the area Near the station and Small Potters through tracks. This year we finish designNow development of projects on other bridges which are also planned comes to an end: through the river the Funnel on Orlovskoye Highway, the bridge in the area Near the station and Small Potters through tracks. This year we finish design4/17/2023Ilya Ilyich Bespalov1237Region News+5 last week0Media Score1:14:47 AMGMT+371RUS38Connections+9 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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