Sovetsky rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScorePreliminary cause of the fire – deliberate actions on destruction, that is an arson. Case papers are transferred to UMVD on Sovetsky districtPreliminary cause of the fire – deliberate actions on destruction, that is an arson. Case papers are transferred to UMVD on Sovetsky district6/5/2019Aleksey PashinIt was succeeded to achieve that restriction of giving of cold water supply concerned only part of the Kirov and Soviet areas. In other houses water is, but pressure] is reduced in place3/15/2022Ruslan AbasovPreliminary cause of the fire – deliberate actions on destruction, that is an arson. Case papers are transferred to UMVD on Sovetsky districtPreliminary cause of the fire – deliberate actions on destruction, that is an arson. Case papers are transferred to UMVD on Sovetsky district6/5/2019Aleksey PashinIt was succeeded to achieve that restriction of giving of cold water supply concerned only part of the Kirov and Soviet areas. In other houses water is, but pressure] is reduced in place3/15/2022Ruslan AbasovPreliminary cause of the fire – deliberate actions on destruction, that is an arson. Case papers are transferred to UMVD on Sovetsky districtPreliminary cause of the fire – deliberate actions on destruction, that is an arson. Case papers are transferred to UMVD on Sovetsky district6/5/2019Aleksey Pashin1267Region News+13 last week0Media Score12:48:11 AMGMT+770RUS73822Dialing code44Connections+20 last weekPopulation117 735NewsConnections Tree
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