Kirovsky rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn the third o'clock in the morning to us the message that in Kirovsky district of Tomsk noticed a bear arrived. He ran near Usov's streets and Soviet. Specialists of department left into place then around the 6th morning the animal was liquidatedIn the third o'clock in the morning to us the message that in Kirovsky district of Tomsk noticed a bear arrived. He ran near Usov's streets and Soviet. Specialists of department left into place then around the 6th morning the animal was liquidated6/29/2023Victor SirotinEmployees of OMVD of Russia on Kirovsky district of the city of Tomsk detained the suspect of extortion. It threatened to set fire to itself(himself) and premises of bookmaker office8/2/2023Irina VolkIn the third o'clock in the morning to us the message that in Kirovsky district of Tomsk noticed a bear arrived. He ran near Usov's streets and Soviet. Specialists of department left into place then around the 6th morning the animal was liquidatedIn the third o'clock in the morning to us the message that in Kirovsky district of Tomsk noticed a bear arrived. He ran near Usov's streets and Soviet. Specialists of department left into place then around the 6th morning the animal was liquidated6/29/2023Victor SirotinEmployees of OMVD of Russia on Kirovsky district of the city of Tomsk detained the suspect of extortion. It threatened to set fire to itself(himself) and premises of bookmaker office8/2/2023Irina VolkIn the third o'clock in the morning to us the message that in Kirovsky district of Tomsk noticed a bear arrived. He ran near Usov's streets and Soviet. Specialists of department left into place then around the 6th morning the animal was liquidatedIn the third o'clock in the morning to us the message that in Kirovsky district of Tomsk noticed a bear arrived. He ran near Usov's streets and Soviet. Specialists of department left into place then around the 6th morning the animal was liquidated6/29/2023Victor Sirotin1259Region News+21 last week0Media Score11:12:31 PMGMT+770RUS73822Dialing code45Connections+22 last weekPopulation143 563NewsConnections Tree
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