Kirovsky rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIt means that on the line there will be only every second crew. Everything that is necessary for completion by shots, we gave. 15 people will come, and it is necessary to us that came 150. Look for shots. You have to complete substations of Lenin and Kirov areasIt means that on the line there will be only every second crew. Everything that is necessary for completion by shots, we gave. 15 people will come, and it is necessary to us that came 150. Look for shots. You have to complete substations of Lenin and Kirov areas5/27/2021Vyacheslav VolodinThe head of Saratov needs to make serious personnel decisions concerning the principal, the managements of Committee on Education and administration of Kirovsky district as she is the founder of school10/13/2023Roman BusarginIt means that on the line there will be only every second crew. Everything that is necessary for completion by shots, we gave. 15 people will come, and it is necessary to us that came 150. Look for shots. You have to complete substations of Lenin and Kirov areasIt means that on the line there will be only every second crew. Everything that is necessary for completion by shots, we gave. 15 people will come, and it is necessary to us that came 150. Look for shots. You have to complete substations of Lenin and Kirov areas5/27/2021Vyacheslav VolodinThe head of Saratov needs to make serious personnel decisions concerning the principal, the managements of Committee on Education and administration of Kirovsky district as she is the founder of school10/13/2023Roman BusarginIt means that on the line there will be only every second crew. Everything that is necessary for completion by shots, we gave. 15 people will come, and it is necessary to us that came 150. Look for shots. You have to complete substations of Lenin and Kirov areasIt means that on the line there will be only every second crew. Everything that is necessary for completion by shots, we gave. 15 people will come, and it is necessary to us that came 150. Look for shots. You have to complete substations of Lenin and Kirov areas5/27/2021Vyacheslav Volodin12177Region News+42 last week0Media Score1:57:12 AMGMT+464RUS144Connections+59 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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