Kronshtadt district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: Low8 KamAZ will work in GUDP "Way" which does the cleaning of the Kirov and Krasnoselsky areas, the others will go to serve road builders to Resort, Kronstadt and Petrodvorets areas8 KamAZ will work in GUDP "Way" which does the cleaning of the Kirov and Krasnoselsky areas, the others will go to serve road builders to Resort, Kronstadt and Petrodvorets areas7/24/2023Anatoly PovelyThis year, along with baths of Kronshtadt district, we will begin repair of bathing complexes in Resort and the Petrodvorets areas10/24/2023Kirill Polyakov8 KamAZ will work in GUDP "Way" which does the cleaning of the Kirov and Krasnoselsky areas, the others will go to serve road builders to Resort, Kronstadt and Petrodvorets areas8 KamAZ will work in GUDP "Way" which does the cleaning of the Kirov and Krasnoselsky areas, the others will go to serve road builders to Resort, Kronstadt and Petrodvorets areas7/24/2023Anatoly PovelyThis year, along with baths of Kronshtadt district, we will begin repair of bathing complexes in Resort and the Petrodvorets areas10/24/2023Kirill Polyakov8 KamAZ will work in GUDP "Way" which does the cleaning of the Kirov and Krasnoselsky areas, the others will go to serve road builders to Resort, Kronstadt and Petrodvorets areas8 KamAZ will work in GUDP "Way" which does the cleaning of the Kirov and Krasnoselsky areas, the others will go to serve road builders to Resort, Kronstadt and Petrodvorets areas7/24/2023Anatoly Povely1224Region News+4 last weekMedia Score: Low7:25:08 PMGMT+378RUS7812Dialing code129Connections+22 last weekPopulation43 687NewsConnections Tree
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