Leninsky rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe with team of a city administration visited painful points of Leninsky district. I urge all inhabitants of Perm to state and show actively to us painful points, and we in the nearest future will pass on all districts of the cityWe with team of a city administration visited painful points of Leninsky district. I urge all inhabitants of Perm to state and show actively to us painful points, and we in the nearest future will pass on all districts of the city9/7/2023Edouard SosninEven in Leninsky district there are the "painful points" where it is necessary to bring an order. These are container platforms, repair of the yards, emergency houses, illegal non-stationary trade objects9/7/2023Edouard SosninWe with team of a city administration visited painful points of Leninsky district. I urge all inhabitants of Perm to state and show actively to us painful points, and we in the nearest future will pass on all districts of the cityWe with team of a city administration visited painful points of Leninsky district. I urge all inhabitants of Perm to state and show actively to us painful points, and we in the nearest future will pass on all districts of the city9/7/2023Edouard SosninEven in Leninsky district there are the "painful points" where it is necessary to bring an order. These are container platforms, repair of the yards, emergency houses, illegal non-stationary trade objects9/7/2023Edouard SosninWe with team of a city administration visited painful points of Leninsky district. I urge all inhabitants of Perm to state and show actively to us painful points, and we in the nearest future will pass on all districts of the cityWe with team of a city administration visited painful points of Leninsky district. I urge all inhabitants of Perm to state and show actively to us painful points, and we in the nearest future will pass on all districts of the city9/7/2023Edouard Sosnin1276Region News+21 last week0Media Score8:16:29 PMGMT+559RUS7342Dialing code133Connections+86 last weekPopulation54 783NewsConnections Tree
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Trending LawsMost discussed today9Law "About Science and the State Scientific and Technical Policy"Rating: 6661Mention frequency6661ConnectionsOrganizations283Places82People7Laws6Events5Technologies3
Social policy«Я буду восстанавливать закон». Его называли фриком и главным по пробежкам на Компросе: история Алексея Бессоноваinformation portal "59.ru"11/19/2024CompaniesProductsGeographyPeopleMedia11.7 minPoliticsВ партии «Единая Россия» с каждым днем появляются новые специалисты11/18/2024CompaniesGeographyPeople46 secPoliticsКрасавчики во власти: мини-досье на девять пермских политиков и чиновников, которым впору сниматься в киноinformation portal "59.ru"11/18/2024PeopleMediaProductsCompaniesGeography7.2 minVolga Federal DistrictНовый глава Мотовилихинского района Перми получит статусный пост в ЕРRussian information agency "Ura.Ru"11/15/2024GeographyCompaniesMediaPeople48 secHousing and Utility SectorВ Перми в этом году в рамках текущего ремонта отремонтировано порядка 600 тысяч кв. метров дорог11/15/2024PeopleGeographyCompanies2.1 minVolga Federal DistrictПрокуратура выявила нарушения при капремонте бассейна в пермской школеMK.RU Perm11/15/2024CompaniesGeography30 sec