Kirovsky rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIn the current year in various municipalities of the republic are constructed 51 FAP which will provide with necessary equipment. In 2020 30 villages of the republic and Chechen Island of Kirovsky district of Makhachkala] were provided to FapamIn the current year in various municipalities of the republic are constructed 51 FAP which will provide with necessary equipment. In 2020 30 villages of the republic and Chechen Island of Kirovsky district of Makhachkala] were provided to Fapam12/16/2021Visampasha KhanalievWe plan to realize this pilot project in the beginning in Kirovsky district, and further - in other areas and the republic cities10/13/2023Elmira AbievaIn the current year in various municipalities of the republic are constructed 51 FAP which will provide with necessary equipment. In 2020 30 villages of the republic and Chechen Island of Kirovsky district of Makhachkala] were provided to FapamIn the current year in various municipalities of the republic are constructed 51 FAP which will provide with necessary equipment. In 2020 30 villages of the republic and Chechen Island of Kirovsky district of Makhachkala] were provided to Fapam12/16/2021Visampasha KhanalievWe plan to realize this pilot project in the beginning in Kirovsky district, and further - in other areas and the republic cities10/13/2023Elmira AbievaIn the current year in various municipalities of the republic are constructed 51 FAP which will provide with necessary equipment. In 2020 30 villages of the republic and Chechen Island of Kirovsky district of Makhachkala] were provided to FapamIn the current year in various municipalities of the republic are constructed 51 FAP which will provide with necessary equipment. In 2020 30 villages of the republic and Chechen Island of Kirovsky district of Makhachkala] were provided to Fapam12/16/2021Visampasha Khanaliev1223Region News+9 last weekMedia Score: Low6:01:58 AMGMT+35RUS62Connections+13 last weekPopulation182 295NewsConnections Tree
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