Moskovsky rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe second. Moskovsky district needs construction of the street of the general Tolstikov, in the same way with an exit to the Southern round. I gave an assignment to committee of transport to count design costThe second. Moskovsky district needs construction of the street of the general Tolstikov, in the same way with an exit to the Southern round. I gave an assignment to committee of transport to count design cost12/9/2021Helena DyatlovaMy personal opinion which I actively advance — Smelykh Avenue, Tolstikova, reconstruction and expansion International, reconstruction Kiev. Four roads which for Moskovsky district have to remove sharpness11/29/2023Anton AlikhanovThe second. Moskovsky district needs construction of the street of the general Tolstikov, in the same way with an exit to the Southern round. I gave an assignment to committee of transport to count design costThe second. Moskovsky district needs construction of the street of the general Tolstikov, in the same way with an exit to the Southern round. I gave an assignment to committee of transport to count design cost12/9/2021Helena DyatlovaMy personal opinion which I actively advance — Smelykh Avenue, Tolstikova, reconstruction and expansion International, reconstruction Kiev. Four roads which for Moskovsky district have to remove sharpness11/29/2023Anton AlikhanovThe second. Moskovsky district needs construction of the street of the general Tolstikov, in the same way with an exit to the Southern round. I gave an assignment to committee of transport to count design costThe second. Moskovsky district needs construction of the street of the general Tolstikov, in the same way with an exit to the Southern round. I gave an assignment to committee of transport to count design cost12/9/2021Helena Dyatlova1242Region News+6 last week0Media Score39RUS38Connections+7 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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