Aviastroitelny district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWithin implementation of the Mirrors of Tatarstan ecoproject we plan to finish improvement of the territory of the Big Blue lake in Aviastroitelny districtWithin implementation of the Mirrors of Tatarstan ecoproject we plan to finish improvement of the territory of the Big Blue lake in Aviastroitelny district1/30/2023Igor SalyakhutdinovThis year 49 yards of Aircraft manufacturing and New areas Savinovskogo got to the Our Yard program, 15 from them are already executed. Next week works will come to the end in five yards. We go according to the schedule, lags are not present7/21/2023Fanis NurmukhametovWithin implementation of the Mirrors of Tatarstan ecoproject we plan to finish improvement of the territory of the Big Blue lake in Aviastroitelny districtWithin implementation of the Mirrors of Tatarstan ecoproject we plan to finish improvement of the territory of the Big Blue lake in Aviastroitelny district1/30/2023Igor SalyakhutdinovThis year 49 yards of Aircraft manufacturing and New areas Savinovskogo got to the Our Yard program, 15 from them are already executed. Next week works will come to the end in five yards. We go according to the schedule, lags are not present7/21/2023Fanis NurmukhametovWithin implementation of the Mirrors of Tatarstan ecoproject we plan to finish improvement of the territory of the Big Blue lake in Aviastroitelny districtWithin implementation of the Mirrors of Tatarstan ecoproject we plan to finish improvement of the territory of the Big Blue lake in Aviastroitelny district1/30/2023Igor Salyakhutdinov1253Region News+10 last weekHead of administration since 2010Timur Lazovich AlibaevMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2010Timur Lazovich Alibaev3:51:57 PMGMT+316RUS64Connections+14 last weekPopulation116 712NewsConnections Tree
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