Oktyabrsky administrativny okrug Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIn October, Right-bank and Sverdlovsk areas there was an emergency shutdown of electricity. Power engineering specialists workIn October, Right-bank and Sverdlovsk areas there was an emergency shutdown of electricity. Power engineering specialists work7/8/2021Igor Ivanovich KobzevIn point comfortable and safe conditions for inhabitants and medical workers are created. It is planned that here inhabitants of the October district of Irkutsk and settlements of the Baikal path] generally will addres7/19/2021Igor Ivanovich KobzevIn October, Right-bank and Sverdlovsk areas there was an emergency shutdown of electricity. Power engineering specialists workIn October, Right-bank and Sverdlovsk areas there was an emergency shutdown of electricity. Power engineering specialists work7/8/2021Igor Ivanovich KobzevIn point comfortable and safe conditions for inhabitants and medical workers are created. It is planned that here inhabitants of the October district of Irkutsk and settlements of the Baikal path] generally will addres7/19/2021Igor Ivanovich KobzevIn October, Right-bank and Sverdlovsk areas there was an emergency shutdown of electricity. Power engineering specialists workIn October, Right-bank and Sverdlovsk areas there was an emergency shutdown of electricity. Power engineering specialists work7/8/2021Igor Ivanovich Kobzev1223Region News+9 last weekMedia Score: Low10:12:32 PMGMT+838RUS73952Dialing code35Connections+17 last weekPopulation151 015NewsConnections Tree
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