Sovetsky rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowOver Sovetsky district of Bryansk the unmanned aerial vehicle is brought down. As a result of falling of the UAV the roof and a glazing of an office building are partially damaged. There is an ignitionOver Sovetsky district of Bryansk the unmanned aerial vehicle is brought down. As a result of falling of the UAV the roof and a glazing of an office building are partially damaged. There is an ignition8/30/2023Aleksandr BogomazThe handsome bridge together with the road dam connected the Soviet, Volodarsky and Fokinsky districts of Bryansk, and it was waited not by one generation of our inhabitants from Soviet period12/5/2023Aleksandr BogomazOver Sovetsky district of Bryansk the unmanned aerial vehicle is brought down. As a result of falling of the UAV the roof and a glazing of an office building are partially damaged. There is an ignitionOver Sovetsky district of Bryansk the unmanned aerial vehicle is brought down. As a result of falling of the UAV the roof and a glazing of an office building are partially damaged. There is an ignition8/30/2023Aleksandr BogomazThe handsome bridge together with the road dam connected the Soviet, Volodarsky and Fokinsky districts of Bryansk, and it was waited not by one generation of our inhabitants from Soviet period12/5/2023Aleksandr BogomazOver Sovetsky district of Bryansk the unmanned aerial vehicle is brought down. As a result of falling of the UAV the roof and a glazing of an office building are partially damaged. There is an ignitionOver Sovetsky district of Bryansk the unmanned aerial vehicle is brought down. As a result of falling of the UAV the roof and a glazing of an office building are partially damaged. There is an ignition8/30/2023Aleksandr Bogomaz12182Region News+29 last weekMedia Score: Low1:04:54 PMGMT+332RUS8 4832Dialing code118Connections+44 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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