Ceuta Country: SpainViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowToday representatives of the Spanish management reported that because of pressure upon them from the USA and NATO, calling of the Russian ships Ceuta port is inexpedientToday representatives of the Spanish management reported that because of pressure upon them from the USA and NATO, calling of the Russian ships Ceuta port is inexpedient10/26/2016Igor KonashenkovAny inquiries from the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation to the Spanish authorities about calling of the heavy aircraft carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" for carrying out refueling in the port of Ceuta did not go10/27/2016Igor KonashenkovToday representatives of the Spanish management reported that because of pressure upon them from the USA and NATO, calling of the Russian ships Ceuta port is inexpedientToday representatives of the Spanish management reported that because of pressure upon them from the USA and NATO, calling of the Russian ships Ceuta port is inexpedient10/26/2016Igor KonashenkovAny inquiries from the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation to the Spanish authorities about calling of the heavy aircraft carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" for carrying out refueling in the port of Ceuta did not go10/27/2016Igor KonashenkovToday representatives of the Spanish management reported that because of pressure upon them from the USA and NATO, calling of the Russian ships Ceuta port is inexpedientToday representatives of the Spanish management reported that because of pressure upon them from the USA and NATO, calling of the Russian ships Ceuta port is inexpedient10/26/2016Igor Konashenkov129Region News+0 last weekMedia Score: Low2:22:29 PMGMT+1856, 956Dialing code38Connections+0 last weekPopulation82 376NewsConnections Tree
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