Tekstilschiki District Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIn the Area of Tekstilshchiki to Grayvoronovo's address, quarter 90A, z \at 1 this year will put into operation a house for resettlement according to the renovation program. Monolithic works are already complete, roof installation, a stone laying of external and internal walls] is conducteIn the Area of Tekstilshchiki to Grayvoronovo's address, quarter 90A, z \at 1 this year will put into operation a house for resettlement according to the renovation program. Monolithic works are already complete, roof installation, a stone laying of external and internal walls] is conducte4/27/2023Rafik ZagrutdinovThe projected water waste network is intended for branch of a superficial drain from the territory of part of the Area of Tekstilshchiki near Saratovskaya Street. Extent of a new water waste network will make approximately 500 meters9/1/2023Anastasia PyatovIn the Area of Tekstilshchiki to Grayvoronovo's address, quarter 90A, z \at 1 this year will put into operation a house for resettlement according to the renovation program. Monolithic works are already complete, roof installation, a stone laying of external and internal walls] is conducteIn the Area of Tekstilshchiki to Grayvoronovo's address, quarter 90A, z \at 1 this year will put into operation a house for resettlement according to the renovation program. Monolithic works are already complete, roof installation, a stone laying of external and internal walls] is conducte4/27/2023Rafik ZagrutdinovThe projected water waste network is intended for branch of a superficial drain from the territory of part of the Area of Tekstilshchiki near Saratovskaya Street. Extent of a new water waste network will make approximately 500 meters9/1/2023Anastasia PyatovIn the Area of Tekstilshchiki to Grayvoronovo's address, quarter 90A, z \at 1 this year will put into operation a house for resettlement according to the renovation program. Monolithic works are already complete, roof installation, a stone laying of external and internal walls] is conducteIn the Area of Tekstilshchiki to Grayvoronovo's address, quarter 90A, z \at 1 this year will put into operation a house for resettlement according to the renovation program. Monolithic works are already complete, roof installation, a stone laying of external and internal walls] is conducte4/27/2023Rafik Zagrutdinov1210Region News+2 last weekMedia Score: Low77RUS48Connections+16 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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