Preobrazhenskoye District Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowOperatives of OMVD of Russia across Preobrazhenskoye to the district of the city of Moscow detained two employees of the private security company on suspicion in theft of toys which volunteers donated seriously ill patients to childrenOperatives of OMVD of Russia across Preobrazhenskoye to the district of the city of Moscow detained two employees of the private security company on suspicion in theft of toys which volunteers donated seriously ill patients to children1/22/2019Irina VolkThe staff of criminal investigation department of OMVD of Russia on the District of Preobrazhenskoye of Moscow detained the suspect of fraud concerning the 70-year-old pensioner8/17/2023Vladimir VaseninOperatives of OMVD of Russia across Preobrazhenskoye to the district of the city of Moscow detained two employees of the private security company on suspicion in theft of toys which volunteers donated seriously ill patients to childrenOperatives of OMVD of Russia across Preobrazhenskoye to the district of the city of Moscow detained two employees of the private security company on suspicion in theft of toys which volunteers donated seriously ill patients to children1/22/2019Irina VolkThe staff of criminal investigation department of OMVD of Russia on the District of Preobrazhenskoye of Moscow detained the suspect of fraud concerning the 70-year-old pensioner8/17/2023Vladimir VaseninOperatives of OMVD of Russia across Preobrazhenskoye to the district of the city of Moscow detained two employees of the private security company on suspicion in theft of toys which volunteers donated seriously ill patients to childrenOperatives of OMVD of Russia across Preobrazhenskoye to the district of the city of Moscow detained two employees of the private security company on suspicion in theft of toys which volunteers donated seriously ill patients to children1/22/2019Irina Volk1248Region News+10 last weekMedia Score: Low7:50:19 PMGMT+377RUS7495Dialing code84Connections+26 last weekPopulation88 266NewsConnections Tree
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