Otradnoye District Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreTraditionally the government of the capital pays much attention to development and modernization of educational infrastructure. The educational institution in the Area of Otradnoye is constructed in 1980 according to the standard projectTraditionally the government of the capital pays much attention to development and modernization of educational infrastructure. The educational institution in the Area of Otradnoye is constructed in 1980 according to the standard project6/18/2021Valery LeonovThe object will be constructed in the Area of Otradnoye to the address: crossing of Signalny Drive and designed drive No. 1566, vl.3 in Northeast administrative district6/1/2023Anastasia PyatovTraditionally the government of the capital pays much attention to development and modernization of educational infrastructure. The educational institution in the Area of Otradnoye is constructed in 1980 according to the standard projectTraditionally the government of the capital pays much attention to development and modernization of educational infrastructure. The educational institution in the Area of Otradnoye is constructed in 1980 according to the standard project6/18/2021Valery LeonovThe object will be constructed in the Area of Otradnoye to the address: crossing of Signalny Drive and designed drive No. 1566, vl.3 in Northeast administrative district6/1/2023Anastasia PyatovTraditionally the government of the capital pays much attention to development and modernization of educational infrastructure. The educational institution in the Area of Otradnoye is constructed in 1980 according to the standard projectTraditionally the government of the capital pays much attention to development and modernization of educational infrastructure. The educational institution in the Area of Otradnoye is constructed in 1980 according to the standard project6/18/2021Valery Leonov1265Region News+6 last week0Media Score3:09:38 AMGMT+377RUS7495, 7499Dialing code99Connections+17 last weekPopulation183 805NewsConnections Tree
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