Krylatskoye District Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe staff of criminal investigation department of OMVD of Russia on the District of Krylatskoye of Moscow prevented fraud and returned to the 85-year-old pensioner the stolen moneyThe staff of criminal investigation department of OMVD of Russia on the District of Krylatskoye of Moscow prevented fraud and returned to the 85-year-old pensioner the stolen money9/8/2023Vladimir VaseninThe staff of criminal investigation department of OMVD of Russia on the District of Krylatskoye of Moscow returned to the elderly woman money of which malefactors, thanks to vigilance of the 31-year-old citizen tried to take control10/25/2023Vladimir VaseninThe staff of criminal investigation department of OMVD of Russia on the District of Krylatskoye of Moscow prevented fraud and returned to the 85-year-old pensioner the stolen moneyThe staff of criminal investigation department of OMVD of Russia on the District of Krylatskoye of Moscow prevented fraud and returned to the 85-year-old pensioner the stolen money9/8/2023Vladimir VaseninThe staff of criminal investigation department of OMVD of Russia on the District of Krylatskoye of Moscow returned to the elderly woman money of which malefactors, thanks to vigilance of the 31-year-old citizen tried to take control10/25/2023Vladimir VaseninThe staff of criminal investigation department of OMVD of Russia on the District of Krylatskoye of Moscow prevented fraud and returned to the 85-year-old pensioner the stolen moneyThe staff of criminal investigation department of OMVD of Russia on the District of Krylatskoye of Moscow prevented fraud and returned to the 85-year-old pensioner the stolen money9/8/2023Vladimir Vasenin1239Region News+13 last weekMedia Score: Low29years oldDate of establishmentJuly 5, 19956:17:58 PMGMT+377RUS7 495, 496, 498, 499Dialing code50Connections+8 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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