San Marino Capital: San MarinoViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowFriends, I officially received the passport of Kazakhstan and now I can play for the homeland already in the next matches against San Marino and Northern Ireland. I already in Kazakhstan, will carry out soon the first training in the national teamFriends, I officially received the passport of Kazakhstan and now I can play for the homeland already in the next matches against San Marino and Northern Ireland. I already in Kazakhstan, will carry out soon the first training in the national team6/7/2023Alexander ZuevIt is glad that won. Knew that game against San Marino will be hard. As for a penalty, at us Askhat Tagybergen or Baktiyer Zaynutdinov usually beat. Unfortunately, they were not today. Therefore, decided to assume an initiative11/17/2023Abat AymbetovFriends, I officially received the passport of Kazakhstan and now I can play for the homeland already in the next matches against San Marino and Northern Ireland. I already in Kazakhstan, will carry out soon the first training in the national teamFriends, I officially received the passport of Kazakhstan and now I can play for the homeland already in the next matches against San Marino and Northern Ireland. I already in Kazakhstan, will carry out soon the first training in the national team6/7/2023Alexander ZuevIt is glad that won. Knew that game against San Marino will be hard. As for a penalty, at us Askhat Tagybergen or Baktiyer Zaynutdinov usually beat. Unfortunately, they were not today. Therefore, decided to assume an initiative11/17/2023Abat AymbetovFriends, I officially received the passport of Kazakhstan and now I can play for the homeland already in the next matches against San Marino and Northern Ireland. I already in Kazakhstan, will carry out soon the first training in the national teamFriends, I officially received the passport of Kazakhstan and now I can play for the homeland already in the next matches against San Marino and Northern Ireland. I already in Kazakhstan, will carry out soon the first training in the national team6/7/2023Alexander Zuev1241Region News+8 last weekCaptain-regent of San Marino since 2017Vanessa D`AmbrozioMedia Score: LowCaptain-regent of San Marino since 2017Vanessa D`Ambrozio1723years oldDate of establishmentSeptember 3, 301€Euro3780549Dialing code277Connections+133 last weekPopulation32 353NewsConnections Tree
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