Liechtenstein Capital: VaduzViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreFrom now on this discriminatory practice which roughly violates international right, became part of the legislation of the European Union and the associated states of the Schengen area – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and SwitzerlandFrom now on this discriminatory practice which roughly violates international right, became part of the legislation of the European Union and the associated states of the Schengen area – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland12/21/2022Maria ZakharovaNow swindlers use numbers with telephone codes of Liechtenstein (+423), Norway (+472), Turkey (+905), and also Japan (+81)3/5/2023Yvan Nikolaevich SolovyevFrom now on this discriminatory practice which roughly violates international right, became part of the legislation of the European Union and the associated states of the Schengen area – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and SwitzerlandFrom now on this discriminatory practice which roughly violates international right, became part of the legislation of the European Union and the associated states of the Schengen area – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland12/21/2022Maria ZakharovaNow swindlers use numbers with telephone codes of Liechtenstein (+423), Norway (+472), Turkey (+905), and also Japan (+81)3/5/2023Yvan Nikolaevich SolovyevFrom now on this discriminatory practice which roughly violates international right, became part of the legislation of the European Union and the associated states of the Schengen area – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and SwitzerlandFrom now on this discriminatory practice which roughly violates international right, became part of the legislation of the European Union and the associated states of the Schengen area – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland12/21/2022Maria Zakharova12185Region News+8 last weekPrinze regent of Liechtenstein since 2004Aloiz Philipp Maria Likhtenshteynsky0Media ScorePrinze regent of Liechtenstein since 2004Aloiz Philipp Maria Likhtenshteynsky305years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 1719₣Swiss franc423Dialing code443Connections+138 last weekPopulation37 898NewsConnections Tree
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