Cape Verde Capital: PraiaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreI am convinced that all my active and positive qualities will help me to fulfill the duty and the mission on strengthening of the kind relations between Russia and Cape VerdeI am convinced that all my active and positive qualities will help me to fulfill the duty and the mission on strengthening of the kind relations between Russia and Cape Verde10/13/2021Natalia PoklonskayaThe U.S. Government made rough violation, having kidnapped the member of the governmental commission on dialogue in Mexico City. Having kidnapped him in Cape Verde, the USA knew about consequences11/22/2021Nicolas MaduroI am convinced that all my active and positive qualities will help me to fulfill the duty and the mission on strengthening of the kind relations between Russia and Cape VerdeI am convinced that all my active and positive qualities will help me to fulfill the duty and the mission on strengthening of the kind relations between Russia and Cape Verde10/13/2021Natalia PoklonskayaThe U.S. Government made rough violation, having kidnapped the member of the governmental commission on dialogue in Mexico City. Having kidnapped him in Cape Verde, the USA knew about consequences11/22/2021Nicolas MaduroI am convinced that all my active and positive qualities will help me to fulfill the duty and the mission on strengthening of the kind relations between Russia and Cape VerdeI am convinced that all my active and positive qualities will help me to fulfill the duty and the mission on strengthening of the kind relations between Russia and Cape Verde10/13/2021Natalia Poklonskaya1266Region News+18 last weekPresident of the Republic of Cape Verde since 2011Zhorzhe Karlush di Almeyda Fonseka0Media ScorePresident of the Republic of Cape Verde since 2011Zhorzhe Karlush di Almeyda Fonseka49years oldDate of establishmentJuly 5, 1975$Escudo Cape Verde238Dialing code287Connections+95 last weekPopulation529 618NewsConnections Tree
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