Antigua and Barbuda Capital: St. John'sViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThis decision is not manifestation of disrespect for a monarchy. It does not represent the act of hostility and does not show disagreement between Antigua and Barbuda and a monarchyThis decision is not manifestation of disrespect for a monarchy. It does not represent the act of hostility and does not show disagreement between Antigua and Barbuda and a monarchy9/11/2022Gaston Alfanso BrownWe have ten countries which withdrew recognition: Somalia, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Esvatini, Libya, Guinea, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Maldives … We expect also the tenth1/4/2023Alexander VuchichThis decision is not manifestation of disrespect for a monarchy. It does not represent the act of hostility and does not show disagreement between Antigua and Barbuda and a monarchyThis decision is not manifestation of disrespect for a monarchy. It does not represent the act of hostility and does not show disagreement between Antigua and Barbuda and a monarchy9/11/2022Gaston Alfanso BrownWe have ten countries which withdrew recognition: Somalia, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Esvatini, Libya, Guinea, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Maldives … We expect also the tenth1/4/2023Alexander VuchichThis decision is not manifestation of disrespect for a monarchy. It does not represent the act of hostility and does not show disagreement between Antigua and Barbuda and a monarchyThis decision is not manifestation of disrespect for a monarchy. It does not represent the act of hostility and does not show disagreement between Antigua and Barbuda and a monarchy9/11/2022Gaston Alfanso Brown1250Region News+4 last weekGovernor general of Antigua and Barbuda since 2014Rodni Erri Lourens Williams0Media ScoreGovernor general of Antigua and Barbuda since 2014Rodni Erri Lourens Williams44years oldDate of establishmentNovember 1, 1981$East Caribbean dollar1268Dialing code223Connections+42 last weekPopulation92 738NewsConnections Tree
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