Province of Kastamonu Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowI express condolences in connection with death of our 17 citizens as a result of floods in provinces to Kastamon, Sinop and BartynI express condolences in connection with death of our 17 citizens as a result of floods in provinces to Kastamon, Sinop and Bartyn8/12/2021Recep ErdoganAs a result of natural disaster of our 48 citizens eight were lost in Kastamona — in Sinop and one — in Bartyna. There are 62 missing persons in Kastamona and 14 — in Sinop8/15/2021Suleyman SoyluWe declare three provinces – Sinop, to Kastamon and Bartyn – a natural disaster area. We will make everything what as soon as possible to put everything in order. Works on damage definition] are continueWe declare three provinces – Sinop, to Kastamon and Bartyn – a natural disaster area. We will make everything what as soon as possible to put everything in order. Works on damage definition] are continue8/13/2021Recep ErdoganI express condolences in connection with death of our 17 citizens as a result of floods in provinces to Kastamon, Sinop and BartynI express condolences in connection with death of our 17 citizens as a result of floods in provinces to Kastamon, Sinop and Bartyn8/12/2021Recep ErdoganAs a result of natural disaster of our 48 citizens eight were lost in Kastamona — in Sinop and one — in Bartyna. There are 62 missing persons in Kastamona and 14 — in Sinop8/15/2021Suleyman SoyluWe declare three provinces – Sinop, to Kastamon and Bartyn – a natural disaster area. We will make everything what as soon as possible to put everything in order. Works on damage definition] are continueWe declare three provinces – Sinop, to Kastamon and Bartyn – a natural disaster area. We will make everything what as soon as possible to put everything in order. Works on damage definition] are continue8/13/2021Recep ErdoganI express condolences in connection with death of our 17 citizens as a result of floods in provinces to Kastamon, Sinop and BartynI express condolences in connection with death of our 17 citizens as a result of floods in provinces to Kastamon, Sinop and Bartyn8/12/2021Recep Erdogan1230Region News+0 last weekMedia Score: LowConnectionsno dataPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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