Province of Izmir Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIn the Turkish province Izmir there are not less than hundred Russian tourists. It is a question of travelers who arrived independently, and those who bought package roundsIn the Turkish province Izmir there are not less than hundred Russian tourists. It is a question of travelers who arrived independently, and those who bought package rounds10/30/2020Mariam LomidzeAround Bornov in the province Izmir 10 fighters of IG were detained during anti-terrorist operation. They prepared in the country acts of terrorism with use of explosive9/22/2023Али ЕрликаяOne of cases of infection the omicron is recorded by a strain in Istanbul, and others five — in the western province IzmirOne of cases of infection the omicron is recorded by a strain in Istanbul, and others five — in the western province Izmir12/13/2021Fakhrettin KodzhaIn the Turkish province Izmir there are not less than hundred Russian tourists. It is a question of travelers who arrived independently, and those who bought package roundsIn the Turkish province Izmir there are not less than hundred Russian tourists. It is a question of travelers who arrived independently, and those who bought package rounds10/30/2020Mariam LomidzeAround Bornov in the province Izmir 10 fighters of IG were detained during anti-terrorist operation. They prepared in the country acts of terrorism with use of explosive9/22/2023Али ЕрликаяOne of cases of infection the omicron is recorded by a strain in Istanbul, and others five — in the western province IzmirOne of cases of infection the omicron is recorded by a strain in Istanbul, and others five — in the western province Izmir12/13/2021Fakhrettin KodzhaIn the Turkish province Izmir there are not less than hundred Russian tourists. It is a question of travelers who arrived independently, and those who bought package roundsIn the Turkish province Izmir there are not less than hundred Russian tourists. It is a question of travelers who arrived independently, and those who bought package rounds10/30/2020Mariam Lomidze1233Region News+0 last weekMedia Score: Low14Connections+0 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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