Province of Eskisehir Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowAccording to data of the ministry of environment, town planning and climatic changes, the new temperature record in the history of Turkey is recorded on August 15: 49,5 degrees in the village Sarydzhakaya of the province EskishekhirAccording to data of the ministry of environment, town planning and climatic changes, the new temperature record in the history of Turkey is recorded on August 15: 49,5 degrees in the village Sarydzhakaya of the province Eskishekhir8/15/2023Мехмет ОзхасекиAccording to data of our ministry, on August 15 in the village Sarydzhakaya provinces Eskishekhir was recorded a new temperature record in the history of Turkey - 49,5 degrees8/16/2023Мехмет ОзхасекиAccording to data of the ministry of environment, town planning and climatic changes, the new temperature record in the history of Turkey is recorded on August 15: 49,5 degrees in the village Sarydzhakaya of the province EskishekhirAccording to data of the ministry of environment, town planning and climatic changes, the new temperature record in the history of Turkey is recorded on August 15: 49,5 degrees in the village Sarydzhakaya of the province Eskishekhir8/15/2023Мехмет ОзхасекиAccording to data of our ministry, on August 15 in the village Sarydzhakaya provinces Eskishekhir was recorded a new temperature record in the history of Turkey - 49,5 degrees8/16/2023Мехмет ОзхасекиAccording to data of the ministry of environment, town planning and climatic changes, the new temperature record in the history of Turkey is recorded on August 15: 49,5 degrees in the village Sarydzhakaya of the province EskishekhirAccording to data of the ministry of environment, town planning and climatic changes, the new temperature record in the history of Turkey is recorded on August 15: 49,5 degrees in the village Sarydzhakaya of the province Eskishekhir8/15/2023Мехмет Озхасеки121Region News+1 last weekMedia Score: Low12Connections+0 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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