Province of Antalya Country: TurkeyViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowFrom the international directions traditionally Turkey is in the greatest demand. We presented flights to Antalya and Istanbul. Since the end of May the program to Egypt starts: flights to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh] will be carried ouFrom the international directions traditionally Turkey is in the greatest demand. We presented flights to Antalya and Istanbul. Since the end of May the program to Egypt starts: flights to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh] will be carried ou5/29/2023Vitaly KashinOne of passengers died this morning in hospital as a result of heavy injuries. The son of the lost citizen of RK arrived today to Antalya and is now with our diplomats7/31/2023Aybek SmadiyarovFrom the international directions traditionally Turkey is in the greatest demand. We presented flights to Antalya and Istanbul. Since the end of May the program to Egypt starts: flights to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh] will be carried ouFrom the international directions traditionally Turkey is in the greatest demand. We presented flights to Antalya and Istanbul. Since the end of May the program to Egypt starts: flights to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh] will be carried ou5/29/2023Vitaly KashinOne of passengers died this morning in hospital as a result of heavy injuries. The son of the lost citizen of RK arrived today to Antalya and is now with our diplomats7/31/2023Aybek SmadiyarovFrom the international directions traditionally Turkey is in the greatest demand. We presented flights to Antalya and Istanbul. Since the end of May the program to Egypt starts: flights to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh] will be carried ouFrom the international directions traditionally Turkey is in the greatest demand. We presented flights to Antalya and Istanbul. Since the end of May the program to Egypt starts: flights to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh] will be carried ou5/29/2023Vitaly Kashin12266Region News+49 last weekMedia Score: Low9:07:39 AMGMT+290242Dialing code409Connections+175 last weekPopulation1 719NewsConnections Tree
AccidentsНа заводе под Екатеринбургом мужчина полгода снимал коллег-девушек на скрытую камеру в душе. Новости 17 декабряNGS Kemerovo12/17/2024MediaPeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts2.7 minTravelАТОР: новогодние туры в Турцию оказались дешевле отдыха в Сочи и Анапе12/18/2024MediaCompaniesGeography44 secTravelНовогодний отдых на российских курортах оказался дороже, чем за границейDaily province12/17/2024GeographyCompaniesMedia52 secTravelТуры в Турцию на Новый год оказались на 30% дешевле, чем в СочиRBC12/17/2024CompaniesGeographyMediaPeople2.1 minTravelПоследствия экологической катастрофы в Анапе, а в Китай теперь можно без визы12/20/2024CompaniesPeopleMediaGeographyProducts9.5 minTravelСлетать в ОАЭ из Москвы до Нового года предлагается дешевле 10 тысяч рублей12/20/2024GeographyCompaniesMedia1.1 min
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