Western Division Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowAll from the moment of program start in the city was born by 277 shabby five-storey buildings. The three of leaders entered the western district – 42 buildings, the city East – 36 houses and the North of Moscow – 35 housesAll from the moment of program start in the city was born by 277 shabby five-storey buildings. The three of leaders entered the western district – 42 buildings, the city East – 36 houses and the North of Moscow – 35 houses9/22/2023Rafik ZagrutdinovThe second place is taken by the Northern district where 13% are issued, and the Western district of which 12,3% of transactions in new buildings were the share] goes the third in a ratin11/2/2023Andrey BochkarevAll from the moment of program start in the city was born by 277 shabby five-storey buildings. The three of leaders entered the western district – 42 buildings, the city East – 36 houses and the North of Moscow – 35 housesAll from the moment of program start in the city was born by 277 shabby five-storey buildings. The three of leaders entered the western district – 42 buildings, the city East – 36 houses and the North of Moscow – 35 houses9/22/2023Rafik ZagrutdinovThe second place is taken by the Northern district where 13% are issued, and the Western district of which 12,3% of transactions in new buildings were the share] goes the third in a ratin11/2/2023Andrey BochkarevAll from the moment of program start in the city was born by 277 shabby five-storey buildings. The three of leaders entered the western district – 42 buildings, the city East – 36 houses and the North of Moscow – 35 housesAll from the moment of program start in the city was born by 277 shabby five-storey buildings. The three of leaders entered the western district – 42 buildings, the city East – 36 houses and the North of Moscow – 35 houses9/22/2023Rafik Zagrutdinov1210Region News+1 last weekMedia Score: Low33Connections+1 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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