Department of Norte de Santander Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe militarized mafia controlling from Norte-de-Santander (department of Colombia) an exchange mafia, attacks us from Cucuta (the Colombian city), they attack national currency by order of Washington from Miami by means of Dolar TodayThe militarized mafia controlling from Norte-de-Santander (department of Colombia) an exchange mafia, attacks us from Cucuta (the Colombian city), they attack national currency by order of Washington from Miami by means of Dolar Today11/26/2016Nicolas MaduroI have checked information that Ivan to Duca through military leaders controls camp in Medellin, Antyokiya's department, and in Norte-de-Santander department where there is a regrouping of mercenaries for preparation of new invasions into Venezuela6/4/2020Nicolas MaduroThe militarized mafia controlling from Norte-de-Santander (department of Colombia) an exchange mafia, attacks us from Cucuta (the Colombian city), they attack national currency by order of Washington from Miami by means of Dolar TodayThe militarized mafia controlling from Norte-de-Santander (department of Colombia) an exchange mafia, attacks us from Cucuta (the Colombian city), they attack national currency by order of Washington from Miami by means of Dolar Today11/26/2016Nicolas MaduroI have checked information that Ivan to Duca through military leaders controls camp in Medellin, Antyokiya's department, and in Norte-de-Santander department where there is a regrouping of mercenaries for preparation of new invasions into Venezuela6/4/2020Nicolas MaduroThe militarized mafia controlling from Norte-de-Santander (department of Colombia) an exchange mafia, attacks us from Cucuta (the Colombian city), they attack national currency by order of Washington from Miami by means of Dolar TodayThe militarized mafia controlling from Norte-de-Santander (department of Colombia) an exchange mafia, attacks us from Cucuta (the Colombian city), they attack national currency by order of Washington from Miami by means of Dolar Today11/26/2016Nicolas Maduro120Region News+0 last weekMedia Score: LowConnectionsno dataPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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