State of Maharashtra Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowRaygad in Maharashtra is grieved by a building collapse in Makhada, the district. My thoughts with families of those who lost the relatives. I pray that victims recovered soonRaygad in Maharashtra is grieved by a building collapse in Makhada, the district. My thoughts with families of those who lost the relatives. I pray that victims recovered soon8/26/2020Narendra Damodardas ModiThe painful tragedy in Bkhandare, the State of Maharashtra where we lost precious young lives. My thoughts with all families of victims. I hope, victims will recover as soon as possible1/9/2021Narendra Damodardas ModiRaygad in Maharashtra is grieved by a building collapse in Makhada, the district. My thoughts with families of those who lost the relatives. I pray that victims recovered soonRaygad in Maharashtra is grieved by a building collapse in Makhada, the district. My thoughts with families of those who lost the relatives. I pray that victims recovered soon8/26/2020Narendra Damodardas ModiThe painful tragedy in Bkhandare, the State of Maharashtra where we lost precious young lives. My thoughts with all families of victims. I hope, victims will recover as soon as possible1/9/2021Narendra Damodardas ModiRaygad in Maharashtra is grieved by a building collapse in Makhada, the district. My thoughts with families of those who lost the relatives. I pray that victims recovered soonRaygad in Maharashtra is grieved by a building collapse in Makhada, the district. My thoughts with families of those who lost the relatives. I pray that victims recovered soon8/26/2020Narendra Damodardas Modi1273Region News+14 last weekMedia Score: Low6:10:38 PMGMT+5.5177Connections+41 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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