County of Greater Manchester Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowTwenty two persons were lost, 59 are wounded. Victims are in 8 various hospitals near Greater Manchester. Many are in critical condition. We know that among the killed and wounded was many children and young peopleTwenty two persons were lost, 59 are wounded. Victims are in 8 various hospitals near Greater Manchester. Many are in critical condition. We know that among the killed and wounded was many children and young people5/23/2017Theresa MayFor me it is very important point... It is really special club and special group of people. My first years passed in Salford (there is in the northwest of England as a part of the county Greater Manchester - a comment) I grew there in many respects1/23/2019Devid Robert Dzhozef BeckhamTwenty two persons were lost, 59 are wounded. Victims are in 8 various hospitals near Greater Manchester. Many are in critical condition. We know that among the killed and wounded was many children and young peopleTwenty two persons were lost, 59 are wounded. Victims are in 8 various hospitals near Greater Manchester. Many are in critical condition. We know that among the killed and wounded was many children and young people5/23/2017Theresa MayFor me it is very important point... It is really special club and special group of people. My first years passed in Salford (there is in the northwest of England as a part of the county Greater Manchester - a comment) I grew there in many respects1/23/2019Devid Robert Dzhozef BeckhamTwenty two persons were lost, 59 are wounded. Victims are in 8 various hospitals near Greater Manchester. Many are in critical condition. We know that among the killed and wounded was many children and young peopleTwenty two persons were lost, 59 are wounded. Victims are in 8 various hospitals near Greater Manchester. Many are in critical condition. We know that among the killed and wounded was many children and young people5/23/2017Theresa May122Region News+0 last weekMedia Score: Low17Connections+0 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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