Community of Galicia Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowCondolences in connection with death of people in fires in Galicia. Thanks to all who works at suppression of fire and gives help to the populationCondolences in connection with death of people in fires in Galicia. Thanks to all who works at suppression of fire and gives help to the population10/16/2017Mariano Rakhoy BreyGalicia, Asturias, Portugal … their beauty, their lands, their people … My heart is broken off when I read news and I see these photos. It is necessary to toughen laws10/16/2017Fernando Alonso DiasCondolences in connection with death of people in fires in Galicia. Thanks to all who works at suppression of fire and gives help to the populationCondolences in connection with death of people in fires in Galicia. Thanks to all who works at suppression of fire and gives help to the population10/16/2017Mariano Rakhoy BreyGalicia, Asturias, Portugal … their beauty, their lands, their people … My heart is broken off when I read news and I see these photos. It is necessary to toughen laws10/16/2017Fernando Alonso DiasCondolences in connection with death of people in fires in Galicia. Thanks to all who works at suppression of fire and gives help to the populationCondolences in connection with death of people in fires in Galicia. Thanks to all who works at suppression of fire and gives help to the population10/16/2017Mariano Rakhoy Brey125Region News+0 last weekMedia Score: Low4:48:56 PMGMT+152Connections+0 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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