Laishevo Republic of Tatarstan, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreOur communication only begins, and there are first projects within which we can cooperate, but already now we understand, the decision on that two city districts – Laishevo and Sysert – started exchanging experience] was how correcOur communication only begins, and there are first projects within which we can cooperate, but already now we understand, the decision on that two city districts – Laishevo and Sysert – started exchanging experience] was how correc3/12/2021Dmitry NiskovskikhIn the area purposeful work on perpetuation of memory of the well-known fellow countryman is conducted. Annually in the city of Laishevo the All-Russian festival of poetry devoted to birthday of the poet within which the award in the field of literature is handed over] is hel3/2/2022Ildus ZaripovOur communication only begins, and there are first projects within which we can cooperate, but already now we understand, the decision on that two city districts – Laishevo and Sysert – started exchanging experience] was how correcOur communication only begins, and there are first projects within which we can cooperate, but already now we understand, the decision on that two city districts – Laishevo and Sysert – started exchanging experience] was how correc3/12/2021Dmitry NiskovskikhIn the area purposeful work on perpetuation of memory of the well-known fellow countryman is conducted. Annually in the city of Laishevo the All-Russian festival of poetry devoted to birthday of the poet within which the award in the field of literature is handed over] is hel3/2/2022Ildus ZaripovOur communication only begins, and there are first projects within which we can cooperate, but already now we understand, the decision on that two city districts – Laishevo and Sysert – started exchanging experience] was how correcOur communication only begins, and there are first projects within which we can cooperate, but already now we understand, the decision on that two city districts – Laishevo and Sysert – started exchanging experience] was how correc3/12/2021Dmitry Niskovskikh1221Region News+6 last weekHead since 2020Ildus Zaripov0Media ScoreHead since 2020Ildus Zaripov470years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 15547:30:40 AMGMT+316RUS+784378Dialing code62Connections+15 last weekPopulation8 647NewsConnections Tree
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