Baikonur Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScorePowerful "Protons" will be used on Baikonur 4 more years. They are succeeded by even more powerful "Angara A5M". Its first start-up is planned in 2024 from the East spaceportPowerful "Protons" will be used on Baikonur 4 more years. They are succeeded by even more powerful "Angara A5M". Its first start-up is planned in 2024 from the East spaceport1/18/2022Dmitry RogozinI in the same way turned on a chair and did not know, whether I will be scrolled these 10 minutes is not present. It was scrolled, and then already and 20 minutes we turned with Klim because every day, there on Baikonur, every day we had trainings on a vestibular chair4/11/2023Julia PeresildPowerful "Protons" will be used on Baikonur 4 more years. They are succeeded by even more powerful "Angara A5M". Its first start-up is planned in 2024 from the East spaceportPowerful "Protons" will be used on Baikonur 4 more years. They are succeeded by even more powerful "Angara A5M". Its first start-up is planned in 2024 from the East spaceport1/18/2022Dmitry RogozinI in the same way turned on a chair and did not know, whether I will be scrolled these 10 minutes is not present. It was scrolled, and then already and 20 minutes we turned with Klim because every day, there on Baikonur, every day we had trainings on a vestibular chair4/11/2023Julia PeresildPowerful "Protons" will be used on Baikonur 4 more years. They are succeeded by even more powerful "Angara A5M". Its first start-up is planned in 2024 from the East spaceportPowerful "Protons" will be used on Baikonur 4 more years. They are succeeded by even more powerful "Angara A5M". Its first start-up is planned in 2024 from the East spaceport1/18/2022Dmitry Rogozin1224Region News+7 last weekHead since 2017Konstantin Busygin0Media ScoreHead since 2017Konstantin Busygin70years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 195510:29:19 PMGMT+699RUS733622 Dialing code129Connections+34 last weekPopulation73 127NewsConnections Tree
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